
영어 관계대명사

슈아지 2024. 12. 31. 16:22

Beethoven was born in the house.

the house in which Beethoven was born


James is the man with whom Julie works. 


My wife is the person with whom I can share everything.

→ with her I can share everything.

 I can share everything with the person.


It was a mistake from which I learned a lot. 

from it I learned a lot.

I learned a lot from the mistake. 


How children acquire a language is a subject on which a lot of research has been done.

on it a lot of research has been done.

A lot of research has been done on the subject.


우리말에서는 '와 함께'나 '으로부터'라는 말이 형용사절에 포함되면 대단히 어색하며 포함되지 않아야 자연스럽다. 

그래서 영어에서는 그에 해당하는 전치사가 없으면 틀리거나 의미가 매우 어색한 문장인데도

우리나라 사람들은 자연스러운 문장으로 잘못 인식하기 쉬운것이다.


아래는 잘못된 문장들. 

This is the house which Beethoven was born.

My wife is the person who I can share everything.

It was a mistake which I learned a lot. 잘못으로부터 배운 것이니 그 관계를 명확히 해야한다. 

How children acquire a language is a subject which a lot of research has been done.


제한적 관계사절과 설명적 관계사절

I really like geoducks, which are large clams native to the northwest coast of the U.S.

The Louvre Museum, which is visited by some 8 million people every year, has more than 35,000 paintings.

A city the population of which exceeds 8 million is called a megalopolis.


관계대명사 that은 설명적으로 쓰이지 않으므로 그 앞에는 설명적 관계사절을 만들기 위한 쉼표가 쓰이지 않는다. 그러나 다른 이유로 쓰인 쉼표는 얼마든지 올 수 있다. 따라서 관계사 앞에 쉼표가 있다 해도 반드시 설명적 관계사절이라고 단정할 수도 없다. 


장애를 가진 어린이들은 적절한 보살핌을 받아야 한다. 

Children who have disabilities must be taken care of properly.

나라의 희망인 어린이들은 적절한 보살핌을 받아야 한다. 

Children, who are the hope of our nation, must be taken care of properly.


관계대형용사 (relative pro-adjective) - 형용사구가 관계대명사의 선행사



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